Team Members

Dr. Audrey Laventure
Assistant Professor (2020-)
Canada Research Chair in Functional Polymer Materials
Département de chimie, Université de Montréal
PDF Chemistry, University of Calgary with G. C. Welch (2017-2020)
Ph.D. Chemistry, Université de Montréal with C. Pellerin (2013-2017)
B.Sc. Chemistry, Université de Montréal (2010-2013)
Member at large, MSED - Chemical Institute of Canada (2020-)
Community Board Member, Materials Horizons (2020-)
Member, Canada Chief Science Advisor's Youth Council (2020-)
Audrey Laventure is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Université de Montréal and is the Canada Research Chair in Functional Polymer Materials. Her expertise lies at the intersection of physical chemistry and advanced materials characterization. She did her postdoc as a NSERC Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Calgary and her Ph.D. as a NSERC Vanier Fellow at the Université de Montréal, whose excellence was recognized by the Governor General's Gold Medal, as well as by the Best Thesis Award of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Recognized for her teaching excellence (André Beauchamp Prize), she has always shown an interest in new teaching and learning methods. Audrey is also regularly involved in scientific popularization and mentoring activities. She was the first Faculty of Science Innovation Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Calgary - an award highlighting her involvement in the world of technology transfer, both at the doctoral level (Technopreneur program of the Poly-UdeM Entrepreneurship Center) and during her PDF (Innovate Calgary's Energy Innovator program).
Group Alumni
Graduate students

Clarence Allen (2023)

Clarence Allen (2023)

Samia Bouheni (2021)
Visiting student M1
Sorbonne Université​

Anthony Olivier (2022)
Visiting student M1 (Mitacs)
Université Catholique de Louvain

Rémi Thiplouse (2022)
Visiting student M1
Sorbonne Université​

Camille Giai-Levra (2022)
Visiting student DUT
Université Grenobles-Alpes

Nahel Blanc (2022-23)
B.Sc. and M1 intern

Axel Fontanell (2023)
Visiting student DUT
Université Paul Sabatier

Jonathan André (2023)
B.Sc. Intern

Lucas Nourrisson
Visiting student
CPE Lyon

Sarah Sahiri (2024)
M1 intern
Université de Rouen

Marc-Antoine Borgeat (2024)
B.Sc. Intern
Université Laval
Interested in joining our team?
We are hiring!
We have open positions for undergraduate, M.Sc. or Ph.D. students. Please, contact Audrey for more details on available projects.